
Showing posts from February, 2016

Let's talk PCOS

          So let's get away from the love subject for a second and jump into a health topic that I think is very important for women to be aware of: PCOS also known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It's an issue that I've been dealing with for a few years now and I've FINALLY got a handle on it, so I would like to share my information and treatments with women out there who might be struggling and frustrated as well. PCOS, from what I've learned, its not termed a "disease" because there are different ways of diagnosing it and different forms of severity. It's a frustrating topic since many women can have different signs and symptoms, and I don't think that western doctors are able to "treat" it. I took a more holistic approach...      If you're wondering if you have PCOS, here are some common symptoms that women may experience: weight gain, hirsutism (hair on chin, back, chest), thinning hair or hair loss, acne, difficultly gettin

New year, [Knew] you...

[Current Listening: Priest with balloons by TinyRuins and Lost boy by Ruth B.]            So much has happened, this is a lifepost for me, not an advice post. So I was accepted into nursing school in October, and things have been a whirlwind since then. I've had a best friend move away for school, holidays, getting ready for school, the new year, and now I've already finished one month of school. We have finals next week! Craziness. For anyone that wants to apply to nursing school, I'm more than open to a question forum for that. I feel like I've always wanted to go to nursing school and now to say that I'm a month into is surreal.           Let's talk about 2015; give one final goodbye. I've met my best friends this year. Gotten rid of friends that do not add positivity to my life. Figured out some people, no matter how long they've been in your life, they might not belong there anymore. I've let go of love, and found some too. Found myse